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A business guide for Young Farmers
from NFYFC and Savills



Using a professional advisor is often seen as a failure or a weakness - the opposite is in fact the case. The best and biggest businesses usually have the best advisors. They bring new ideas, provide support and most importantly challenge your ideas.

Advisors can often be a friend, neighbour or relative.

As you set up and grow your business meet with your advisors regularly – tell them what you have done and what you plan to do next - then listen to their thoughts.

You will need:

1. Accountant.
2. HR advisor (if you employ staff).
3. National Farmers Union for general information and advice.
4. Land agent for agreements.
5. Business consultant for budgeting and business planning.

Setting up a business is difficult, tough but rewarding – take all the help and advice you can get.  

Mentoring is in effect advice but involves a much closer ongoing relationship.